
Showing posts from March, 2018

Why Effective Communication Makes For a Happier Relationships

The most common problem couples face is simply down to a lack of communication along with an avoidance of being honest. Our clients at Couples Counselling Ashford often report that they choose not to say what is bothering them within their relationship, either through a fear of conflict or a concern about upsetting the other person. However, hiding your feelings doesn’t make them go away, they just get pushed under the carpet and begin to fester. Resentment then starts to build, resulting in the problems becoming much worse in the long run. When you take responsibility for how you express your feelings, rather than attributing blame, you pave the way for effective communication and happier relationships. Couples Counselling Ashford can help you with that. Take it in turns to listen Half a conversation is listening…and that means really listening rather than just waiting for your turn to talk again! Let your partner speak and take on board what they say. This will encourag...

Benefits of Couple Counselling for Intimacy Problems

Intimacy problems are one of the most common issues are relationship experts see at Couple Counselling Kent . We can help you get to the bottom of what is causing a lack of intimacy and help you turn things around. Intimacy can mean a number of things - from sex, to kissing, cuddling or sharing of intimate thoughts. When intimacy becomes a problem it can cause great hurt and upset for one or both parties in the relationship. A lack of intimacy  can also be one of the most difficult things to talk about, so often try and deny there is a problem and look to blame other things in the relationship for causing the problems. Before you give up bringing the intimacy back in to your relationship why not give Couple Counselling Kent a try? You’ll be encouraged to talk If you don’t talk openly and honestly with your partner and share what is on your mind, neither of you will know what the problem really is or what can be done about it. Our relationship counsellor will a...

Simple Ways To Enhance Your Relationship

This could be the year to take control of your relationship and make it more meaningful and happier than ever. Whether it’s listening more, embracing vulnerability or using the help of relationship counselling Kent. Whatever you choose to do, what are you waiting for?! Our couple counsellors at Relationship counselling Kent are here to help you find some easy ways to strengthen the bond with that special someone in your life and make it last forever. Learn to actively listen . Our relationship counsellors at Relationship Counselling Kent regularly find that couples don’t really listen to each other. This is because, when relationships start to break down, we’re often in a rush to say what’s on our mind, to prove the other person wrong. We tend to jump to conclusions about what the other person means by what they are saying or doing. We often personalise things and respond negatively based on our interpretation or experiences from the past. We interrupt, don’t show understanding, oft...

Why Use Relationship Counselling Ashford Kent

It's all too easy to try and blame our partner for the any issues within our relationship, but if we are honest, are we also taking responsibility for really trying to make our relationship work? Are we using the right skills ensure we effectively communicate with our partner? If you think you would benefit from help in understanding the part both you and your partner play in creating a happy or unhappy relations then this is how our relationship counsellors Ashford Kent can help:- 1. Defining your issues When couples come to see one our Relationship Counsellor Ashfor d Kent , they are helped to quickly identify any unresolved issues from the past they may have. People often try and bury or avoid these deep inside, but it doesn't make them go away, they begin to fester and eat away at the relationship. It could be an unresolved argument you had many years ago, which wasn't properly resolved and has led to resentment. Perhaps you didn't feel listene...