Simple Ways To Enhance Your Relationship

This could be the year to take control of your relationship and make it more meaningful and happier than ever. Whether it’s listening more, embracing vulnerability or using the help of relationship counselling Kent. Whatever you choose to do, what are you waiting for?!

Our couple counsellors at Relationship counselling Kent are here to help you find some easy ways to strengthen the bond with that special someone in your life and make it last forever.

Learn to actively listen.

Our relationship counsellors at Relationship Counselling Kent regularly find that couples don’t really listen to each other. This is because, when relationships start to break down, we’re often in a rush to say what’s on our mind, to prove the other person wrong. We tend to jump to conclusions about what the other person means by what they are saying or doing. We often personalise things and respond negatively based on our interpretation or experiences from the past. We interrupt, don’t show understanding, often judge and express our opinion instead of keeping an open mind. A simple technique you can learn that will help you change this is called active listening.

Active listening is what relationship counsellors and therapists use. It’s about being mindful of the person in front of you, listening to every word they say without interrupting or even allowing your mind to wander. It’s about being in the present moment and focusing on what your partner is actually saying and not what you think you are hearing. This allows the other person to feel as if what they are saying is important. They will feel appreciated and respected and in most instances offer this in return creating a strong bond between you.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

We underestimate the power of vulnerability. People consider it as ‘scary’ or a weakness, so try and avoid it altogether in a relationship, for fear of being hurt. When in fact, it may well be the cornerstone for having a happy, healthy, loving relationship with our partner

Love and the possibility of being hurt go hand in hand. We won’t experience true intimacy if we don’t let down our guard and let someone in and often people don’t realise that being vulnerable is actually a sign of bravery. It takes courage to move out of your comfort zone and invest all of you in a relationship and it may well be the best thing you have ever done.

Try relationship counselling.
You may well have shied away from couple’s therapy in the past, perhaps not liking to admit that you have issues within your relationship. However, more often than not, relationship counselling is the best way forward in ironing out any issues in the relationship and allowing you to move forward for the long term.

Couple counselling can help you underlying resentment from unresolved issues from the past and help you manage conflict in a healthier, productive way. Relationship Counselling Kent can help you understand each other better and improve the communication between you two. You will be provided with tools to take home with that will help you after the relationship counselling is finished

If you would like to connect with your partner on a deeper level, then contact Relationship Counselling Kent to make an appointment to come and see us.


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