Are you Thinking of Ending Your Relationship?

Are you considering putting an end to your relationship? Check out the below from Marriage Counselling Tonbridge, it might make you reconsider.

It’s not easy to stay in a relationship that has perhaps turned sour or you feel is going nowhere. However, sometimes it’s even harder to leave. This is often because we experience doubt that we are we might not be doing the right thing in leaving. It’s disappointing that a marriage we had so much faith in has broken down and we are left with asking ourselves a number of questions, such as “What if I regret it?” “What if I never meet anyone else?” “What if I realise I miss them?” So have you tried everything to ensure you are making the right choice?

Here at Marriage Counselling Tonbridge we’ve helped plenty of couples re-build their relationships after experience intimacy problems, lack of communication or even an affair for example. And we want to save you from having any regrets you might have once you make that final decision.

Realistic Expectations

Its human nature to want an ‘ideal’ relationship and we often get lost in this expectation. When our partner behaves in a way that we don’t happen to like, we often tend to jump conclusions about what that behaviour means and jump to conclusions that it is personal to us. We don’t stop long enough to actually ask them and get some fact that behind our beliefs. If there’s no direct communication, the only reality you know is the one you created in your head. But that scenario can be far from the truth.

Are You In It For The Right Reasons?

It’s quite common for one or both people to enter in to a relationship, in order to fill a void inside that someone else in their life has caused. This can be damaging pattern of behaviour and often results in hurt for both parties. If someone else betrayed you or you have lost a loved one, you might try and forget it by looking for someone else to distract you. You convince yourself that they are for you and believe what you have is. When in fact, you’re just looking for meaning and expecting someone else to fix what’s broken.

Seek a Relationship Experts Advice

If you have allowed your doubts to take over or if your spouse is unable or unwilling to discuss things with you then you might benefit from help from Marriage Counselling Tonbridge.

We have dealt with hundreds of relationship problems over the years and would love to offer our professional opinion in a non-judgmental, safe environment. Our Marriage counsellors will help you to be real and honest with yourself and your partner.  We will help you understand how exactly you’re feeling, identify what the underlying issues are and what can be done about them. You can both then decide if you want to stay in the relationship or not.

Marriage Counselling Tonbridge will get you talking. If you decide to get your marriage back on track, then great. If you decide to walk away you can do so with a less nasty taste in your mouth as you will do so with more understanding of the part you both played.


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