How Marriage Counselling Kent Can Help After an Affair
Any form of cheating can be devastating and many couples struggle to see how they can overcome it. However, if they both want to and are prepared to work through it, their relationship can be a lot stronger for it. If you want to give your relationship another chance then it’s a good idea to seek the help of a relationship expert. Here’s how marriage counselling Kent can help you.
A non-judgmental environment.
Judging, blaming and criticising each other, although perhaps understandable after the discovery of an affair, are unhelpful behaviours and can make matters worse. Therefore, being in the safe, non-judgmental environment at Marriage counselling Kent will remove some of the emotion out of conversation and help you both talk about the problems and feelings from both sides more effectively.
Our marriage counsellors will help you understand what was going on it the relationship before the affair began, from both perspectives. They will also listen to why the infidelity happened in the first place. It’s only once you both have this understanding will you be able to decide if you want to move forward in the relationship or not.
Marriage Guidance is Confidential
Couples often choose not to tell the people close that an affair has taken place. This is usually do due to a fear of being judged (if they were the one to cheat) or if they were the person who had been cheated on, for not leaving their partner immediately. Friends and family may also tend to offer advice, which isn’t always welcome. Along with being unbiased and impartial, a marriage counsellor is bound by confidentiality, so your story goes no further.
You can contact us in confidence, book an appointment and come see us as many times as necessary, without letting anyone else in your life know.
Relationship Expert Perspective
Seeing things from another perspective is particularly helpful, especially if that person is professionally trained in understanding relationships. We couple counsellors don’t force an opinion on you, but we offer a rational perspective based on listening to how both parties feel and what they want.
Our marriage counsellors have experience in dealing with couples where infidelity has taken place. Through gentle questioning they are quickly able identify any underlying problems within a marriage that need to be addressed. These problems might have gone unsaid or avoided over the years. It can be difficult to tell the truth about what is bothering you within your relationship. It can also be difficult to hear the truth about how our own behaviour isn’t always helpful. However, our experts at marriage counselling Kent will help you will feel safe enough and comfortable enough to have the confidence to be honest.
We pride ourselves on being one of the most trusted relationship experts in Kent. Call, e-mail or book online today.
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