Benefits of Marriage Guidance for Intimacy Problems

Intimacy problems are one of the most common issues are relationship experts see at Relationship Counselling Ashford. We can help you get to the bottom of what is causing a lack of intimacy and help you turn things around.

Intimacy can mean a number of things - from sex, to kissing, cuddling or sharing of intimate thoughts. When intimacy becomes a problem it can cause great hurt and upset for one or both parties in the relationship. A lack of intimacy can also be one of the most difficult things to talk about, so often try and deny there is a problem and look to blame other things in the relationship for causing the problems.

Before you give up bringing the intimacy back in to your relationship why not give Relationship Counselling Ashford a try?

You’ll be encouraged to talk

If you don’t talk openly and honestly with your partner and share what is on your mind, neither of you will know what the problem really is or what can be done about it.

Our relationship counsellors will ask you both for your perspectives on what is causing the problem is and why. At first it might feel a little uncomfortable being honest about a sometimes sensitive subject, but more problems are caused in a relationship by things that aren’t said (as long as it’s said in the right way) than things that are said.

Perhaps a lack of confidence or a low self-esteem might be causing issues in your sex life. If you feel you have put on weight perhaps you don’t like yourself as much as you used to, then you might feel less attractive. Or perhaps your partner doesn’t compliment you or make you feel good about yourself, like they used to, so you start hiding your body and avoiding intimacy.

Often within the relationship that go on outside of bed can lead to a lack of willingness to be intimate, due to resentment being built up when these issues aren’t resolved. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get it back.

Once you have dealt with the more difficult areas - our marriage counsellors will help you both think about what still love, like and respect about each other. We will help you both think about and how you used to feel about each other in the early days. Evoking these memories can often stir up forgotten warm feelings. They are still the person you chose to spend your life with, but that sometimes gets forgotten.

Relationship Counselling Ashford will help you look at the problems that has led to the decline in intimacy. We will also look at relationship you have with yourselves, because if happy with yourself then why would you expect your partner to be happy with you?


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