
Showing posts from April, 2018

Is your Relationship Stuck?

 Lots of couples find that their relationships become ‘stuck’ for whatever reason and hundreds have benefited from the help of marriage counselling Ashford to move them forward. Many of the couples we see tell us that they feel they have reached a stalemate because the problems within their marriage can run very deep. Perhaps one or both of you feel unable, or unwilling, to talk about things without the help of a third party. Examples of why a marriage might become stuck Not spending enough quality time together Not trying new things together Taking each othe r  for granted Not feeling appreciated or showing appreciation Intimacy problems Stopped sharing thoughts or feelings with each other You can’t communicate without leading to an argument T hese problems tend to end up with both people ‘blaming ‘th e  other and a lack of respect on both sides begins to set in. If these issues are not addressed at an early stage; the relationship...

Are you Thinking of Ending Your Relationship?

Are you considering putting an end to your relationship? Check out the below from Marriage Counselling Tonbridge , it might make you reconsider. It’s not easy to stay in a relationship that has perhaps turned sour or you feel is going nowhere. However, sometimes it’s even harder to leave. This is often because we experience doubt that we are we might not be doing the right thing in leaving. It’s disappointing that a marriage we had so much faith in has broken down and we are left with asking ourselves a number of questions, such as “What if I regret it?” “What if I never meet anyone else?” “What if I realise I miss them?” So have you tried everything to ensure you are making the right choice? Here at Marriage Counselling Tonbridge we’ve helped plenty of couples re-build their relationships after experience intimacy problems, lack of communication or even an affair for example. And we want to save you from having any regrets you might have once you make that final decision. ...

How Marriage Counselling Kent Can Help After an Affair

Any form of cheating can be devastating and many couples struggle to see how they can overcome it. However, if they both want to and are prepared to work through it, their relationship can be a lot stronger for it. If you want to give your relationship another chance then it’s a good idea to seek the help of a relationship expert. Here’s how marriage counselling Kent can help you. A non-judgmental environment. Judging, blaming and criticising each other, although perhaps understandable after the discovery of an affair, are unhelpful behaviours and can make matters worse. Therefore, being in the safe, non-judgmental environment at Marriage counselling Kent will remove some of the emotion out of conversation and help you both talk about the problems and feelings from both sides more effectively. Our marriage counsellors will help you understand what was going on it the relationship before the affair began, from both perspectives. They will also listen to why the infidelit...